GIZ- Agor Industrial parks Etopia


The Ethiopian government has made a clear commitment to strengthening the domestic economy and putting it on a growth path, intending to explore the potential for growth and development of three cluster economies as a pilot project. The study aims to examine the ecosystem surrounding the Clusters (Adis Abeba, Hawassa and Yirga Alem), which are well representative of the country’s two outbreak economic sectors. Our fundamental question starts from what hinders economic development and can base the related actions on these three clusters.

To examine this, we are conducting two surveys, one of which would analyze the state and innovation potential of public education surrounding the Clusters, which provides essential information for its planning and long-term development. 

The Concept paper aims to offer solutions to companies in selected Clusters to prepare them for growth support programs and provide objective support for their implementation. Through education development, the survey of educational innovations should serve the needs of the regional labour market, stimulate market resource involvement, increase equal opportunities, and adapt to the country’s economic development goals and activities, century digital and environmental expectations.



58.000 EUR