STEM oktatás módszertani kihívások Etiópiában

STEM oktatás módszertani kihívások Etiópiában

STEM oktatás módszertani kihívások Etiópiában

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Fekede Tuli Gemeda is an Associate Professor of Teacher Education in the Department of Teacher Education and Curriculum Studies at Kotebe University of Education. He attended his PhD partly in Roma Tre University, Italy and partly in Jyvaskyla University, Finland, MA in Addis Ababa University Ethiopia, BEd in Kotebe College of Teacher Education, Ethiopia. He has been teaching in different higher learning institutes since 2003 starting from the rank of Graduate Assistance to Associate Professor. He served as Higher Diploma Leader and Academic development and resource center expert at Ambo University with the role of revitalizing the pedagogical competencies of academic staffs. Apart from teaching, he is currently serving as a vice president for Academic Affairs. Owning to this, he is in charge of academic affairs in the university. He has more than15 years of experience in leading academic programs in different higher education institutions. His research interests lie in the area of teacher education, action research, professional learning and education reform. He has published his work in local and international publications. He has collaborated actively with researchers in several areas of education both nationally and internationally. He actively participated in different national projects including ‘examining corruption in Ethiopian universities’ ,‘Framing research university development in Ethiopia’,’C19 responsive strategies in schools’. He was a lead researcher in the Ethiopian education roadmap (2018-2030) development. He led the technical committee for Kotebe Metropolitan University transition to University of Education. He is a consultant for Education Development Trust where he gives research and project technical support.

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2023-03-30 @ 13:30

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